Application Form & Login_
BRD FIRST Tech Challenge Romania

The application will be submitted by the team mentor (professor) after an account is created on the website.

After the application is submitted the mentor will log in using the username and password and insert the name of the students forming the team.


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Application Form for all teams for Season 2017/2018
Please enter the information below to register a new account! ↓


For the season 2017/2018 all teams that want to participate at BRD FIRST Tech Challenge
Romania have to fill an Application Form, as part of the selection process.

We are welcoming for registration all the old teams from season#1 as well as rookie

Filling this form does not automatically register your team in the competition.

Your Application is subject of an evaluation, so please consider carefully the materials you will upload – as guided below.

The number of teams for the BRD FIRST Tech Challenge Romania season 2017/2018 is limited to 90 teams.
All the applications have to be submitted between Oct 19th – nov 6th, 2017, 12:00 pm.

The name of the teams registered in the competition will be announced on November 10th,
2017, on this website.

TEAM IDENTIFICATION DETAILS (•All fields are required)


• The selection process requires an application on behalf of the team consisting of 3 materials uploaded in the fields below by November 8th, 13:00. (New deadline)
• The application will be valid only when all three materials are submitted.
• Please follow the rules and upload exactly the requested files formats.
• All 3 materials need to be uploaded in your Application no later than November 8th 2017, 13:00. (New deadline)
• The materials can be submitted in romanian or english
Material 1: Please upload here a pdf file with a one-page motivation letter describing the reason you want to apply to the program. We want to see your passion and determination as a team.
Material 3: Please upload here a jpeg file presenting your team identity (name, logo, motto).